Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Google Tool: Google Earth Pro

After exploring the many tools that Google has to offer, there were many that stood out as great ways to use technology for improving student involvement and learning. Undoubtedly, I will be discussing some of these in future Toolbox entries, but today I thought I’d introduce one tool that I hadn’t discovered or used much until recently:  Google Earth Pro.

Many are already familiar with this powerful navigation/exploration tool. Like its sibling, Google Maps, Google Earth allows users to find locations, directions, and distances using different layers to show the information the user is most interested in learning. Google Earth takes this exploration several steps further, allowing the user to explore the entire planet, provide photographs from users that were at specific locations, modify filters and layers not available to Google Maps (like showing buildings in 3D), and allowing users to pan, tilt, and zoom with use of the mouse as well as screen controls.

Using Google Earth in the classroom can address a number of North Dakota’s State Standards for Social Studies in areas like Map Skills (3.1.1, 3.1.2), Resources (3.1.3), and Physical Geography (3.5.1, 3.5.2).  A complete listing of these standards can be found at:

In addition, in February, Google Earth Pro was made free for the public to download!  Just go here for the download: and use the code GEPFREE if prompted to do so.

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