Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My Second Entry

Hello!  Now that I've made a blog, I'd better put it to good use!  I plan to use this platform as my personalized Professional Learning Network and post things like information I've learned and digital tools I've discovered and can use.

One of my first assignments in Module 1 was to share a summary of what I've learned regarding the P21 Framework on my blog. For those unfamiliar with the Partnership for 21st Century Learning, I invite you to explore the website at: .  There you'll discover a lot of information for developing student success in the 21st century beyond my summary:

The P21 Framework contains the subjects, themes, and skills vital for students to possess in order to be an effective and successful contributor to the 21st Century.These four: Key Subjects and 21st Century Themes, Skills for Learning and Innovation, Media and Technology Skills, and Skills for Life and Career are represented in the rainbow portion of the graphic.  At its base are the systems  that provide the foundation to support these Student Outcomes.  These four are as follows: Standards and Assessments, Curriculum and Instruction, Professional Development, and Learning Environment. The framework breaks each of the outcomes down into the specific themes, knowledge, skills and attitude required to meet these goals. For example, the four C's (Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking) are included with the skills for Learning and Innovation.  

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