Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Plickers is a great platform for providing immediate feedback for assessment without the need for a bunch of devices. It is great for pre assessments, other formative assessments, even surveys that have up to four choices for students to choose from. Students will use their own special card and hold it up depending on the answer they wish to give (a small faint capital letter will be at the top of the card). The teacher can use a device like a smartphone to capture responses and provide instant results.
Pedagogical uses:  Did you read my introduction? This tool is perfect for classrooms when a selected response formative assessment is being given. It can provide immediate feedback for the teacher—even the students—to see.  Student simply need to hold the card side up that reflects the answer choice they want and display it so that the teacher can capture it with their device.   It could be used for voting, surveys, pre assessments and formative assessments. Data can be displayed as soon as the assessment question is given for teachers and students to observe and learn.

Questions could vary based on the information the teacher is trying to gather. Here are five examples that could be asked and with possible choices for students to answer:
What is the capital of North Dakota? a) Fargo b) Bismarck c) Minot d) Grand Forks
Which of these is your favorite vegetable? a) carrot b) broccoli c) beans d) peas
Which of these numbers is not even?  a) 27 b) 10 c) 62 d) 4
Where might you go to find a synonym for the word shiny? a) dictionary b) atlas c) encyclopedia d) thesaurus
Which is not considered precipitation? a) rain b) cloud c) sleet d) snow

Plickers is available free online to download. Users only need to set up an account to use Plickers. Plickers can be found at:

Plickers is a perfect for teachers that are doing quick, multiple-choice assessments and want immediate feedback on their students’ responses. It can show individual student responses as well as group trends and opinions. Cards can be laminated and used over and over, so once the 10 minutes is invested making the cards, Plickers can save hours of work collecting and analyzing student data. Even those that are still packing flip phones will consider a smartphone once they’ve had the opportunity to try Plickers for themselves.

ISTE Standards
(Click on the link above for descriptions of the following standards this tool can address.)
For Students:
2. Communication and collaboration (a. b.)    
3. Research and information fluency  (c. d.)    
4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making (c.)      
6. Technology operations and concepts (a. b. c.)       

(Click on the link above for descriptions of the following standards this tool can address.)
For Teachers:
1.       Facilitate and Inspire student learning and creativity (a. b. c. d)      
2.       Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments (a. b. c. d)    
3.       Model digital age work and learning (c.)       
4.       Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility (a. b. c.)       
Information on Plickers:

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